Welcome to my professional blog, prasadpandey.com. I am Prasad Pandey, a DevOps Team Leader with a decade of experience in the field, but this space isn’t just about my professional credentials. Here, you’ll find a chronicle of my journey in scaling a startup into a flourishing mid-tier company.

Six years ago, I was the first DevOps engineer hired by Contentstack, a then-startup. We started with just 27 eager members and have since grown into a bustling hub of over 300 employees. This journey, while rewarding, was filled with numerous challenges and invaluable lessons, all of which I’m excited to share with you.

This blog aims to provide insights into building a technology startup from the ground up. I’ll cover the key strategies we used, the hurdles we faced, and how we overcame them. I’ll dig into the nitty-gritty of DevOps, cloud technology, and the broader landscape of digital innovation. But more than anything else, I’ll share the lessons that I learned on the job – lessons that could only be gleaned through the hands-on experience of growing a company.

My target audience is you – the technologists, the innovators, the startup enthusiasts. Whether you’re working in a technology startup or nurturing an idea of your own, I believe my experiences can provide valuable insights to help you navigate your journey.

Apart from being a tech enthusiast, I am also an avid reader and a passionate jump rope enthusiast. The discipline and focus required for these hobbies are, in many ways, reflective of the mindset needed in the fast-paced world of startups. Expect to find snippets of these personal interests sprinkled throughout the blog as well, adding a personal touch to the professional wisdom.

My hope is that this blog not only educates but also inspires you to embrace the challenges that come with the exciting journey of building a startup. Join me as we navigate the intricate and exhilarating world of technology startups, and together, let’s learn, grow, and innovate.

Welcome aboard!