Why and How to Create Kubernetes Namespaces

The Emergence of Namespaces In our evolving technological environment, one of the integral aspects is the efficient and reliable management of resources. Kubernetes, an open-source platform designed to automate the scaling, deployment, and management of application containers, takes the front seat in the drive towards effective resource orchestration. Within the Kubernetes ecosystem, namespaces provide a…

Part III: Executing the Transition of Your Node.js API Workload from EC2 to EKS

Welcome to Part III of our blog series on migrating stateless Node.js API workloads from Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS. In Part II, we set up the EKS environment, Dockerized our Node.js application, prepared Kubernetes manifests and Helm charts, and fine-tuned resource limits. Now, it’s time to execute the actual transition. In this phase, we will guide you through choosing the right time for migration, initiating the phased transition, monitoring the new setup, addressing any issues, deprecating the old EC2-based service, and emphasizing continuous monitoring and improvement.

Part II: Setting Up the EKS Environment – The Nuts and Bolts

Welcome to the second part of our series on transitioning stateless Node.js API workloads from Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS. Here, we’ll delve into the details of setting up your EKS environment, dockerizing your Node.js application, and preparing Kubernetes configurations. Bear in mind that this guide is explicitly tailored for stateless workloads and doesn’t delve…

Part I: Laying the Groundwork – Preparing for the Transition

Transitioning from a familiar environment to a new one is a substantial task that demands careful forethought and strategic planning. Part I of our series on moving stateless Node.js API workloads from Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS spotlights the importance of understanding your existing setup, assessing dependencies, and crafting a comprehensive migration plan.

Please remember that this guide is specifically tailored to stateless workloads and does not delve into issues related to databases or stateful services.

How to migrate Node.js API Workloads from EC2 to EKS – A Comprehensive Guide

In the current cloud-native era, Kubernetes has rapidly emerged as a favored choice due to its efficiency, scalability, and robust orchestration capabilities. Numerous organizations are shifting their workloads from traditional virtual machine environments to container orchestration platforms, such as Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Building a Decentralised CI/CD System with GoCD and ArgoCD

We describe here a software development process that leverages a unique blend of centralized and decentralized continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) systems. The CI is centralized and facilitated by open-source GoCD software, while the CD systems are decentralized and environment-specific, utilizing ArgoCD. This combination allows us to leverage the strengths of both centralized and decentralized architectures, ensuring efficient, reliable, and flexible software delivery

Maximizing Resilience in Azure: A Guide to Three-Tier Architecture with AKS and MongoDB

In this guide, we’ll explore the process of designing and deploying a highly available, resilient three-tier application architecture on Azure. This architecture will use Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Application Gateway, and MongoDB, with the entire structure distributed across three Availability Zones for maximum resilience and high availability.