
An Example Statement of Work: ACME’s Proposal for KODIAK CORP

The purpose of this Statement of Work (SOW) is to outline ACME Ventures LLC’s proposal to conduct third-party vendor assessments for KODIAK CORP. The document sets forth the objectives, scope, roles and responsibilities, deliverables, and the pricing model for the proposed project. This SOW is crucial as it ensures that ACME and KODIAK are aligned on all facets of the project, reducing potential conflicts, and setting a clear path towards successful project completion.

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The Strategic Advantage of Aligning a Company’s Production Environment with its Organisational Structure

The complex world of organizational strategy and structure has often been a topic of rigorous research and intense discussion. As we move further into a future shaped by technological innovation and shifting business landscapes, it becomes increasingly important to establish a robust, flexible, and efficient organisational framework. One aspect that often gets sidelined in this discourse is the harmonization of an organization’s production setup with its organisational design. This article will throw light on the distinct advantages of shaping a company’s production environment in sync with its organisational structure.


Observability: Viewing a Production Environment from Many Perspectives

Every production environment is a complex ecosystem, a living, breathing entity. The more we understand the interconnectivity and nuances of this environment, the better we can optimize it, troubleshoot issues, and increase overall performance. But how do we gain such deep insights? Enter the concept of observability.


What is Engineering Management?

In the world of engineering, nothing exists in a vacuum. The construction of a skyscraper, the development of a software application, the design of an electric vehicle, all these undertakings require meticulous planning, coordination, and execution. That’s where the discipline of engineering management enters the scene. It merges the technical expertise required in engineering with…

How to Scale Selenium-based, CPU-intensive QA Sanity Test Suites

The need for thorough and precise quality assurance in software development cannot be overstated. It ensures the robustness, reliability, and user-friendliness of the application. Selenium-based QA Sanity Test Suites are well-known for their efficiency in automating browsers for testing web applications. However, they are also CPU-intensive and, when run locally, they may fail, consume substantial resources, and take up a lot of time. Not only that, local executions lack centralized housekeeping and uniformity in compute resources. Moreover, they present challenges in scalability.

Part III: Executing the Transition of Your Node.js API Workload from EC2 to EKS

Welcome to Part III of our blog series on migrating stateless Node.js API workloads from Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS. In Part II, we set up the EKS environment, Dockerized our Node.js application, prepared Kubernetes manifests and Helm charts, and fine-tuned resource limits. Now, it’s time to execute the actual transition. In this phase, we will guide you through choosing the right time for migration, initiating the phased transition, monitoring the new setup, addressing any issues, deprecating the old EC2-based service, and emphasizing continuous monitoring and improvement.

Part II: Setting Up the EKS Environment – The Nuts and Bolts

Welcome to the second part of our series on transitioning stateless Node.js API workloads from Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS. Here, we’ll delve into the details of setting up your EKS environment, dockerizing your Node.js application, and preparing Kubernetes configurations. Bear in mind that this guide is explicitly tailored for stateless workloads and doesn’t delve…